Meet the class of 2024!

MHC class of 2024 graduates - a collage of faces of graduating students


做厙輦⑹s newest class of almost-alums comprises bold leaders and boundless learners. They are scholars, activists, artists, teachers, scientists and athletes; they are creative colleagues and beloved friends. Theyve pushed past boundaries and forged new trails.

Every year we invite graduating seniors and students completing their masters degrees to nominate themselves for a profile detailing their Mount Holyoke journeys. We celebrate how they have developed their voices and visions for the future, eagerly awaiting the next chapters in their lives.

MHC 2024 Graduates

Liz Almonte 24

Liz Almonte 24

Lawrence, MA

I got to sit in on a rehearsal in Rooke Theatre, and thats what drew me to Mount Holyoke. I thought, This is amazing. Ill get to work with real professionals and very talented, smart, knowledgeable people.

Leaping into center stage

Gaby Alvarez 24

Gaby Alvarez 24

Miami, FL

I thought it was great to learn more about political actors. It was really interesting to learn more about how political actors have this power. How theyre able to change policy and, by doing so, change so many peoples lives.

Excelling at creating community

Chloe Berry 24

Chloe Berry 24

Bristow, VA

I met one of my best friends that first year, and we still talk and have dinners weekly. It's been nice to finally feel like Ive found forever friends at college.

Affirming her identity and creating community

Lauren Brook 24

Lauren Brook 24

Woodinville, WA

Peacebuilding refers to the field I want to work in. It addresses systems and the policies that are producing cycles of violence within communities.

From Model UN to international peacebuilding

Charlotte Cai 24

Charlotte Cai 24

Herndon, VA

Mount Holyoke offered the flexibility to pursue independent projects. Mount Holyoke allowed me to take away those boxes of who I should be and how I should define myself.

Turning a spark into a fire

Dominic Copeland 24, Professional and Graduate Education graduate

Dominic Copeland 24

Beverly, MA

When I talked to people at Mount Holyoke, it was very inviting, very supportive. They valued my perspective and what I brought to the table. I talked about being Black [and] being in education, and they valued that perspective.

Connecting lessons with students lives

Ky Core 24

Ky Core 24

Philadelphia, PA

Being an English major taught me how to choose my words, learn to know which words to use and which words will make a more empathetic listener. That skill was something I needed.

The power of their words to see the world

Vivi Corre 24

Vivi Corre 24

Chicago, IL

Mount Holyoke has truly prepared me for this next step. My professional experience and coursework at the College taught me how to apply these concepts in the real world to effect change. My experience has given me the confidence to go and do that.

Effecting change for the next generation

Enam Dartey 24

Enam Dartey 24

Accra, Ghana

Im thankful for how Mount Holyoke has taught me to be confident in what I already know. Ive always been eager to learn, but the College has shaped how I learn and how I approach learning and problem solving.

The language of inspiration

Hayam Daudzai 24

Hayam Daudzai 24


Being part of the dance team, I get so immersed that I just let all of my stress and anxiety go away because you have to move and jump so much from one part of the room to another, and you work with amazing dancers that go along with it.

Opening up new realms of study

Adji Diouf 24

Adji Diouf 24

Arlington, VA

I definitely feel like Ive really built such a great community here. Besides my lab and my team, I have made so many friends from different classes and different events. I feel like my community is so large here.

Delving into biological and medical research

Sabrina Farrar 24

Sabrina Farrar 24

Ramsey, NJ

My politics professors were huge points of support for me and helped me determine what I wanted to do in the space policy field. Being able to present my work to people working in the industry as an underclassman was awesome.

Joining astronomy and politics for a career in space policy

Sijia Feng 24

Sijia Feng 24

Beijing, China

Mount Holyoke taught me that there isnt one right way to be a student or live your life. My classmates werent my competition. They were my support system. This allowed me to reflect on what I want.

Bettering communities through economic studies

Alex Finch 24

Alex Finch 24

Boulder, CO

College taught me how to ask for help in a respectful but confident way, and now I know its not something to feel guilty about doing. It also helps that people at Mount Holyoke want to help and want to see you succeed.

Leaning into curiosity and art

Nina Fulmer 24

Nina Fulmer 24

Allentown, NJ

Pre-Mount Holyoke Nina versus the postgrad version has grown so much because of this Colleges supportive community where people truly want you to thrive.

Mentoring others in speaking, arguing and writing

Grace Guan

Grace Guan 24

Shanghai, China

I talk with friends who are not Mount Holyoke students, and they have limited research experience. But here, Ive done research with two advisors in two different departments.

At the intersection of data and social change

Bryn Healy 24

Bryn Healy 24

Maplewood, NJ

I met with every disabilities department of the schools I was looking at. Mount Holyoke seemed most receptive. There was a willingness to work with me in meaningful ways.

Advocating for others and herself

Celeste Keep 24

Celeste Keep 24

Bolton, MA

I wanted the possibility to pursue interests in a lot of different areas without feeling like I needed to choose one track. Mount Holyoke has given me the opportunities to do that. Ive always felt like a whole student at Mount Holyoke.

From rowing to research

Anno Kostava 24

Anno Kostava 24

Tbilisi, Georgia

My friends and my advisor helped me navigate one of the hardest periods, not just my education but of my life.

Designing and building a career as an architect

Chuying (Selestia) Lin

Chuying (Selestia) Lin 24

Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

The supportive environment and focus on people and humanity at Mount Holyoke prepared me for the next steps of my career, which will also focus on the well-being of humanity.

From liberal arts to the well-being of humanity

Ashley Marte 24

Ashley Marte 24

New York, NY

Being around people who have similar cultures and getting to know other cultures, I really enjoyed that. Mi Gente was like another family, basically.

Connected to the world through economics

Kylee Miller 24

Kylee Miller 24

Chautauqua, NY

The mentorship is one of the biggest reasons Im glad I went to Mount Holyoke. When I talk to my peers who didnt go to a small liberal arts college, its so different.

Mentored research leads to NIH fellowship

Emily Mock 24

Emily Mock 24

Bangor, ME

Being immersed in the language helped me to develop my skills. I felt much more confident not only in my Spanish speaking, but in my self-confidence as well.

Spanish, public health and basketball shaped her journey

Maeesha Tasnim Naomi 24

Maeesha Tasnim Naomi 24

Dhaka, Bangladesh

I cannot imagine what my life could have been like without Mount Holyoke, she said. Be it academics, internships, extracurricular activities, community, friendships and interests, Mount Holyoke beautifully helped me tie a lot of these things together and become a better and more confident person.

The interdisciplinary roots of neuroscience

Hilary Ng Wunt Sang 24

Hilary Ng Wunt Sang 24


Active learning is specifically learning which is more hands-on, you could say, and which involves more student participation. The student takes an active position in their own learning.

Saying yes to research and experimentation

Aristotle Ou 24

Aristotle Ou 24

San Luis Obispo, CA

I was waking up at 4:30 in the morning. But donut shops are open, so I got donuts. And I have such a great cohort. I have never been bored.

Math is intrinsic to students lives

Sophia Perillo 24

Sophia Perillo 24

Stoneham, MA

I've only spent two years on the Mount Holyoke campus. But looking back, it's been a really incredible experience because some of the opportunities that came from the challenges I faced, I did not anticipate one bit.

The language of teaching and connecting

Shanthini Ragoonaden 24

Shanthini Ragoonaden 24


Whether you're leading a project, whether you're running an experiment, whether you're working with a team, patience is very important. There are so many ways where the solution to the problem is just seeing what the next move you can take is.

Blazing new trails and forging new paths

Mary Sartorio 24, Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics

Mary Sartorio 24

Mountainside, NJ

I found a program that seemed like it was catered for me. It was unbelievable. The fact that it was for experienced K8 math teachers was very unique. Then when I got here, it was even more eye-opening.

Creating aha moments for students

Sofia Savid 24

Sofia Savid 24

Cambridge, MA

It's pretty hard to get a job as a philosophy professor, but I would like to try. I feel like that would be ideal for me, to have a career doing what my professors do.

The study and theory of knowledge, with a side of ice hockey

Danyah Tarabulsi 24

Danyah Tarabulsi 24

Saudi Arabia

I really do think that any people skills I have, I owe to this job. I feel like it also gave me confidence that I did not have before.

Leadership, teambuilding and residence life

Sasha Toole 24

Sasha Toole 24

Enola, PA

I remember a professor saying that studying physics is studying problem-solving, and that stuck with me. My studying hasnt been just to memorize material but instead to teach me to ask, How do I approach complex problems and come up with out-of-the-box solutions?

Creative problem solving with both arts and science

Wendy Wang 24

Wendy Wang 24

Beijing, China

I feel like economics developed my technical and analytical skills. Economics is a helpful tool for my future career.

Growing more than she could have imagined

Mackenzie Mack Windus 24

Mackenzie Mack Windus 24

Olean, NY

Mount Holyoke has challenged me to think about leadership and this all-encompassing thought of how to be a leader with others from so many different backgrounds and levels of leadership knowledge.

The chemistry of leadership

Mao Yasueda 24

Mao Yasueda 24

Tokyo, Japan

Here at Mount Holyoke, my professors taught me that theres a way to combine different academic disciplines to tackle complex, difficult problems. They offered me so much mentorship, inclusivity and communication.

An unexpected turn to physics research

Jenny Yu 24

Jenny Yu 24

Seoul, South Korea

The team culture has challenged a lot of how I view sport and community. Win or lose, the team had a really positive impact on my growth as a person: I learned how to do things at my own pace and tried new things that might have sounded scary.

Giving back through peer mentoring

Lingdang Zhang 24 with a horse at the Equestrian center field

Lingdang Zhang 24

Chengdu, China

The Mount Holyoke riding team has completely changed my life. My time with the program gave me what I needed to melt into the rest of the campus culture and confirmed that I had made the right decision to come to Mount Holyoke.

Keeping her appetite for curiosity fed